Earlier this week, we got to read Chris Casey’s look back at launching the first congressional website for Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1994. But what did this slice of the political web look like 20 years ago? Thanks to Chris’s collection of...
Guest article! Chris Casey writes on the 20th Anniversary of the first Congressional website, which he helped bring to life. This article first appeared on June 2, 2014 on Casey.com. UPDATE: check out screenshots from this and other early 90s Ted...
My first post for CQRollCall’s new Connectivity blog is up, so please take a look! Editor Chris Nehls asked five questions about Epolitics.com, the communications environment we all work and how it’s changing, social media advocacy and...
A few days back, our friends at ad-targeting-firm DSPolitical sent over a New York Times article that should scare the pants off of anyone who’s spending money to buy video ads. Why? Let’s start with this: By many estimates, more than...