New guest author! Allyson Goldsmith is currently the Online Communications Manager at NOW, where she’s preparing for a year-end fundraising push. Today she brings us some good advice on that always-popular topic. And, be sure to follow her on...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts, from the (roughly) 400 progressive groups followed by our friends at CrowdTangle. A great way to see what advocacy content is working for a range of organizations and issues. See the...
In which our late-summer languor smacks right into reality. Social media has given black people in Ferguson what the police cannot. C.f. The Night Social Media Exploded Over Ferguson and Watch: The Night Social Media Lit Up as Violence Flared in...
Here’s a quick tip from a social media discussion I sat in on sometime last spring (my notes have evaporated, alas, or I’d give a shout-out to whoever suggested it). If you’re publishing regularly on Facebook, consider taking a...
Revamping an online advocacy operation can be a major undertaking, but most of us can still benefit from a few minutes spent thinking about the basics. In that vein, below are ten things you can do today that should help you get the most out of...
In the most recent edition of Campaigns & Elections, we learn about the quiet death of a voter-contact technology: Facebook recently announced a grassroots murder. The culprit? A change in the way Facebook apps interact with the company’s...
Over the last few months, just about everyone I’ve spoken with in the communications world has had an opinion on Facebook’s algorithm “tweaks.†While few of the reviews have been positive, I’ve been lucky: I haven’t seen...
The DNC’s Matt Compton made a great side comment in a Netroots Nation panel on the evolution of campaign technology last weekend: Republicans want to see a moonshot, but Democrats are focused on winning the margins. What did he mean? When...
Intrepid Advertising Age reporter Kate Kaye has turned her attention to a big controversy in the digital campaigning world: the patent on data-targeted online advertising recently awarded to Audience Partners, the parent company of CampaignGrid (for... contributor Jesse Bacon follows up on his earlier post about email acquisition with some insight into a key question: which acquisition channels yield the best donors? This piece also appeared on the PowerThru Consulting blog. Drew...