In June of 2007, the political world was just waking up to the idea that individual citizens were going to shake up how political communications was done. As the the race to succeed George W. Bush rolled into its first summer, the Macaca moment was...
In private meetings last week, Hillary Clinton pledged in New Hampshire to work with state parties in “early states” to help them rebuild. At first appearance, this would seem to be an amazing boon. The trope goes that Obama for America...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts, from the several hundred progressive groups followed by our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement than the norm for their...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter is out, and you should check out the whole April issue archived right here, an online exclusive. The Grab Bag is monthly for now, and it’s a hit with...
Breaking news from Facebook Algorithm World, and this is important! Individual Facebook users now have access to a new setting available called “News Feed Preferences”…you can find it on your own profile by clicking on the dropdown...
Author’s Note: In Part One of this series, I discussed the importance of using technology in political efforts not just to build a better persuasion tool, but to scale meaningful relationships with an infinite number of people. In Part Two, I...
Michelle Coyle Edwards is Vice President of Rising Tide Interactive (RTI). Read her previous work on When Hillary Clinton made her much–anticipated announcement that she’d be running for president, the inevitability of the act led...
Facebook has done it again…the company’s made a change to the Newsfeed Algorithm, and the results don’t look good for Pages. As a reminder, the Algorithm is the complex formula Facebook uses when it decides who among your...
Regular contributor and online fundraising pro Laura Packard joins us again with some key best practices to help you optimize your digital giving campaigns. Laura and her PowerThru Consulting colleagues have learned these lessons...
Hi folks, we are officially back on the case after a couple of weeks of travel — let’s talk about the recent 2016 candidate launches soon. But first, any number of small birds have flown in through the vision slits in the