Earlier this month I had the absolute pleasure of going on Sirius/XM’s Left Jab Radio to talk digital politics with hosts Mark Walsh and Jonathan Aberman. We covered some serious ground in just 15 minutes, from big trends like the tension...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the 2016 presidential campaigns! The data is via our friends at CrowdTangle, and remember that these aren’t the top-performing posts in ABSOLUTE terms, since that would...
The latest from Epolitics.com contributor Jeanette Russell of Attentive.ly, with some great ideas to help your organization understand and engage your supporters. Plus, read all the way to the end for free stuff! This piece first appeared on the...
How did I know that Rick Perry’s Presidential campaign ambitions were pretty much over, long before the headlines said so? His campaign had not sent an email since June 30th. Not a single one. In fact, the one single email that I received was...
New Epolitics.com contributor Shawn Kemp is co-founder of ActionSprout, which helps power people’s ability to create lasting change by connecting organizations with their supporters. Read more from ActionSprout on Epolitics.com, and see also...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter is out, and you should check out the whole August issue archived right here, an Epolitics.com online exclusive. The Grab Bag is monthly for now, and it’s a hit...
Down here in the e.politics bunker, we are slowly escaping the coils of a nasty summer cold — hence the low level of recent posting, despite tonight’s “Trumpapalooza meets the 9 Dwarves”, aka the first full-on Republican...
Jim Walsh is the co-founder and CEO of DSPolitical, a voter targeted digital advertising network for Democrats and progressives. C.f. our earlier article on social media in the British 2015 general election. Politics in the United States and United...
The new 2016 digital campaigning guide covers a lot of online organizing and communications tools. From Meerkat to mobile giving, it dives deep into the digital politics ocean, and it surfaces with 100-odd pages of best practices and strategic...
Regular Epolitics.com contributor and digital strategist Laura Packard (of PowerThru Consulting) is back with us, this time to help you get the most out of your email list. This post first appeared the PowerThru blog. Take it away, Laura: Here at...