John Wagner reports in the Post today that the Sanders campaign has already raised $36 million in February, almost all online. More, Bernie’s people are aiming to finish the month at $40 million, an amazing total that would almost certainly...
Check out Hillary Clinton’s South Carolina victory announcement on Facebook: We just won the South Carolina primary! Text CONGRATS to 47246 to tell Hillary you’re proud to be on her team today. Posted by Hillary Clinton...
Perhaps the state wasn’t quite the “firewall” the Clinton campaign had hoped, but Hillary still pulled off a win in this weekend’s Nevada caucuses. This result came despite a late Sanders surge, fueled both by his strong...
Donald Trump may have backed down somewhat in his public spat with Pope Francis over walls and bridges, but let’s note a digital angle in all of this. As Reid Wilson pointed out on the Diane Rehm show this morning, the two infallible...
Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary, and he’s also winning the post-primary fundraising war: his supporters tossed him more than FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in the hours after the polls closed in the Granite State (or six million, depending...
Not to sound like a broken record, but Bernie’s supporters keep opening their wallets with wild abandon. Small donors, baby! Ask ’em once, ask ’em twice, ask ’em until they scream for mercy…and then ask ’em again...
It’s caucus day! On the Right, will Trump’s voters show up, or will they just fume on the couch? Will Cruz’s investment in data help him get the votes he needs? On the Left, will Bernie’s followers’ passion rule, or...
Way back at the dawn of the Modern Age of Online Politics, I semi-predicted the rise of a candidate like Trump. Where? In a little article published on November 5th, 2008 and titled “How the Internet Put Barack Obama in the White House”...
Regular contributor Laura Packard spotted something noteworthy at the last Republican undercard debate: Rick Santorum invited viewers to Google his name. What? His Permanent Record had been permanently tagged years ago by a well orchestrated...
How could Trump’s money hurt him? If his financial independence keeps him from creating the campaign he needs to win in places like Iowa: The imperative to raise money online forces campaigns to build infrastructure that has a strategic value...