If the idea of a President Trump fills you with horror, you’re not alone: both Democratic and Republican groups are doing their best to take him down. Most of the coverage of their plans has focused on TV ads and grassroots organizing, but as...
Hey gang! Apologies for the sparse posting of late; I’ve been juggling client projects and other writing assignments (yes, I’ve been cheating on you), plus some transient-but-unpleasant health thingies. Have no fear! We’ll get...
Updated below. Unless you’ve turned off website notifications, here’s what you’ll see, in my case in the upper left corner: A website notification box, oh my. You can actually see it in Firefox as well as in Chrome now, assuming...
With a potential Trump nomination making Democrats dream of taking back the Senate and even the House, let’s revisit a bit of wisdom first published on Epolitics.com way back in 2009. This lesson is even MORE important seven years later, since...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter is out, and you should check out the whole March issue archived right here, an Epolitics.com online exclusive. Sign up now to get the next Political Social Grab Bag...
If you’re a nonprofit organization or a political campaign, you almost certainly need to raise money. Most of us don’t have a wealthy donor waiting in the wings to swoop in at a time of need! High-dollar individual fundraising and direct...
Bernie Sanders may dominate the small-dollar-donor battlefield on the Democratic side of the presidential race, but he’s not the only one growing a list of grassroots supporters. We talked earlier about Hillary Clinton’s messages...
Presidential race drop-out Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump this week, leading to a strange joint appearance that transfixed the internet. Those eyes! Those eyes! But while Christie’s love may have gone to Trump, his email list went to...
We’ll have Super Tuesday follow-up soon, but first, regular Epolitics.com contributor and digital strategist Laura Packard (of PowerThru Consulting) guides us through important digital lessons we can learn from this year’s Reed Award...
Google searches don’t quite predict the outcome of elections (yet), but they CAN illuminate the underlying trends in a unique way. By showing us which candidates people wanted to know about and when, they give us a sense of momentum —...