We’re playing catch-up this month, but Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter came out a few weeks ago and we have it here for your enjoyment. An Epolitics.com online exclusive! Sign up now to get the...
New Epolitics.com contributor! Brendan Finucane is CEO of Ecanvasser, a political campaign technology based in Ireland. For more on data-protection in Europe, see Yussi Pick’s earlier piece on the death of safe harbor. Imagine a scenario in which...
If you caught Donald Trump’s Phoenix rally tonight, have a stiff drink — I think we could all use one. The speech itself was a parade of lies, distortions, omissions and outright madness, though I will point out that the President...
The next generation of activists and candidates trains online. As Yoda teaches Luke in Star Wars, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” New Epolitics.com contributor! Deepak Puri has held executive positions at Oracle, Netscape and VMware...
You might have missed the news in the never-ending blizzard of Trump-related stories, but digital politics now has a role in the investigation about possible ties between his campaign and the Russian government. Specifically, members of the now...
Greetings from Netroots Nation! I’m in Atlanta with hundreds of my favorite folks on the Left, learning and chatting and learning and chatting (right now I’m in a session on the future of digital organizing run by Beth Becker and John...
If you’re running for office in 2018, what should you be doing right now? Former Congressional candidate Andy Millard and I talked through that question in detail on the sidelines of C&E’s CampaignExpo conference a couple of weeks...
Happy 4th! When Quick Hits returns from a long vacation, you KNOW it’s a day to celebrate. Jon Ossoff, The Congressional Candidate Social Media Built. C.f. How the Democrats’ Online Strategy Went Haywire. On Ossoff and emails, via Shaun...
This year’s congressional special elections have generated tons of media coverage, most focusing on implications for the 2018 midterms…and for the Trump presidency. But digital folks should note two important trends that I point out in...
When Hillary Clinton took the stage yesterday at a Recode conference, she also took the opportunity to blame DNC data for her loss last year, as Aaron Blake reports in the Post: I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the...