Sixty-six excellent stories about digital politics, advocacy and bad behavior. Russia’s Pro-Trump Disinformation Campaign Used Every Major Social Media Platform. C.f. How Russia Hacked U.S. Politics With Instagram Marketing. Congress Now Has a...
On December 20th, Donald Trump finally lived up to his potential: full governmental chaos and confusion. Federal agencies will likely close because Coulter and Limbaugh called his border wall weak. His Secretary of Defense resigned over a foreign...
“The Russian influence campaigns often pour gasoline on a fire that is already burning,†said Simon Rosenberg, who worked to counter disinformation for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “It is far more efficient and effective to...
2016 did not go the way Democrats hoped — and not just because Trump won. Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on congressional races, the balance of power in the House shifted only slightly toward the Dems, and Republicans could...
Good stories from the past few weeks. Town hall? 120 people. Live-streamed chicken dinner? 257,000 views on Facebook. “Democratic strategists say the quest to capture the attention of Democrats online, through social streams and viral sharing...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts, from the several hundred progressive groups followed by our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement than the norm for their...
Political campaigns live in a dangerous digital world. Plenty of people (and bots) want what to see what we keep secret, from a donor’s credit card number to those blunt internal emails. But too many campaigns blow off security entirely, in...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter came out over the weekend and we have it here for your enjoyment. An online exclusive! Sign up now to get the next Political Social Grab Bag delivered...
We may have voted just four weeks ago, but the political world is already preparing for the next war. This time around, neither side is likely to have enough digital soldiers: A modern presidential campaign also requires a modern digital operation...
Halloween’s long over, but we still have plenty of dark stories to tell in this pre-election edition of Quick Hits: No One Is Buying More Political Ads on Facebook Right Now Than Beto O’Rourke. Lots and lots of fundraising ads out of state...