This piece is an excerpt from Chapter Three of “How to Use the Internet to Change the World – and Win Elections [2019 Edition]. Download your copy today, or pick up the ebook on Before we dive into the details of online...
I’m speaking on a panel about digital video at a wind-energy conference in Houston this week, and I prepared this piece as a one-page handout to leave behind with the audience. We could say a lot more about about video promotion online, but...
Fifty-one good stories about digital politics and advocacy. Biden spends $1.4 million on digital ads in less than 2 weeks. Covers Google, Facebook and Twitter, and has a good comparison chart. C.f Billionaire digital ad wars, which includes Trump...
Peer-to-peer texting exploded as a voter-contact tool in 2018. Building on its success in 2016, campaigns and independent turnout operations employed it on a vast scale in the mid-term elections, abetted in part by the Democratic National...
The fireworks don’t lie: the 2019 edition of “How to Use the Internet to Change the World – and Win Elections” is now live here on and in the Kindle Store. The new version improves on last year’s top-to...
Beto’s in! And already begging for money (today’s email subject line: “We will be heavily outspent”). Of course, the man from El Paso raised close to $80 million in last year’s Texas Senate race, and we can expect that...
Sandi Fox is a past contributor, a mobile-advocacy expert and the proprietor of Smart As A Fox, a consulting shop for progressive digital advocacy and politics. This post first appeared on the Smart As A Fox blog. Warning: Don’t...
New contributor! Erik Milman is a veteran opposition researcher who has worked on over 200 races. Find him at Milman Research and Consulting. As Democrats, we have often seen how the Republican attack machine and our own lack of...
Voters usually think about ethics in moral terms: is this candidate or official a good person or not? Are they going to look after people like me or someone who’s given them money? Can I trust them to make good decisions? Ask a voter, and she...
Also published on as Digital Beachheads: How to Use Facebook to Build Progressive Support in Trump Country You don’t always get to pick your battlefields when you want to change a country. For progressives, many of our policy and...