A noteworthy email from Amy Klobuchar’s campaign arrived late yesterday evening: Colin — We’e busy getting ready for the debate tomorrow and we want your help. We’re continuing to build our team to make sure everyone hears...
Responding to criticism that they’ve ceded the field to Trump in battleground states while potential presidential nominees fight it out, Democratic groups went to Politico’s Maggie Severn this weekend to argue that they aren’t...
Top Photo: Leading a Republican voter to water Between now and Election Day 2020, Democrats have a lot of persuading to do. It won’t be easy — and Donald Trump is already well ahead of us. First, the problem: outside of the suburbs...
Theresa Greenfield is running for Congress from Iowa. I know this because I get a daily report from my email spam filter and I’ve learned to check it. Greenfield’s campaign has sent me six messages over the past week, and not one of them...
When Epolitics.com launched in 2006, the site included an “Online Politics 101”, a collection of how-to articles I later gathered into an ebook and updated until 2011. As that guide evolved into the current “How to Use the Internet...
Epolitics.com contributor Dave Leichtman just wrote a piece for Campaigns & Elections highlighting new technologies that can help Democratic campaigns reach voters more effectively: relational organizing. As big data has become even bigger...
This time they came for Pelosi, and they came looking like amateurs. Like it mattered: the crudely edited video of the House Speaker altered to slur her speech has already reached millions of American voters. Wait until the REAL deepfakes come along...
No, the Republicans are not “winning the internet”, but Donald Trump does do one thing better than the Democrats. 523 days before the November 2020 elections, his campaign is already running a long-term Facebook persuasion campaign based...
This article first appeared on the Smart As A Fox blog. Over the last five years, I’ve noticed certain text-messaging mistakes organizations consistently make. It doesn’t matter if they’ve been running their mobile programs for...
According to a newly arrived press release, Democratic congressmember and presidential candidate Eric Swallwell is now taking donations in bitcoin. The strategy seems to have more to do with an actual belief in blockchain technology than practical...