Guest article! The inimitable Beth Becker returns to our pages to muse about developments in the social ‘net that’ll matter to online communicators in the year to come. My (irreverent) comments are included as (ed notes) in the text...
Just a quick reminder that our panel on social media and advocacy is at 6 pm Tuesday night over in Georgetown; swing on by if you’re in DC. Besides me, onboard are Chad Barth, Heather Neisworth, our old friend Beth Becker and panel organizer...
Step One in an e.pol publishing revival: clear the Quick Hits queue. Let’s get ready to rumble. Marco Rubio’s water grab becomes the talk of Twitter and social media, as Sen. Marco Rubio’s mid-speech water gulp goes viral on...
If you’re in DC in mid-February, be sure to check out Social Media Week, which will feature dozens of events scattered around town, covering the application of social media tools, techniques and approaches to just every topic under the sun...
Regular contributor Beth Becker has a new toy! And is happy to share it with us. PollVault: ‘Crowdsourcing’ Your Voting Decisions By Beth Becker From time to time I come across a new media/social media tool that can really make a...
Guest article! In which our very own Beth Becker gets excited about Facebook features. Two Don’t-Miss New Facebook Features By Beth Becker Some of you may have missed the two announcements last week regarding new Facebook features. I’ll...
Guest article! The latest from our old friend Beth Becker. How a Twitter Rapid Response Campaign Helped Susan Sarandon ‘Get’ Paid Sick Days By Beth Becker A coalition of diverse organizations in New York City has banded together to...
The second (and final) segment of Beth Becker’s latest thinking on social media. Rethinking Social, Part Two: Optimizing Content for Social Sharing By Beth Becker In the first segment in this two-part series, I briefly explored the idea that...
One reason has been so quiet lately? The sweet lassitude of summer has sung its siren song for sure, but I haven’t yet succumbed — too many projects have demanded a delayed start to the season’s easy livin’. A...
Another great guest article from our old friend Beth Becker! Bonus: look for Part Two in the next couple of days. Rethinking Social, Part One: Social Media is Social Sharing By Beth Becker For the last two years I’ve begun every social media...