ActionSprout’s Kim Blomgren writes up a presentation by our own Beth Becker. Way to get someone else to do the hard part, Beth. 😉 Recently Beth Becker and ActionSprout hosted a webinar addressing how to make Facebook’s algorithm work for...
With an eye toward today’s rapid response webinar, let’s revisit the Susan Sarandon-targeted paid sick leave campaign Beth Becker shared with us back in 2012. For more, see Political Rapid Response Now Happens in Seconds, Not Hours, In a...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter is out, and you should check out the whole February issue archived right here, an online exclusive. The Grab Bag is monthly for now, and it’s a hit...
Koch Brothers Will Spend $889 Million on 2016, as Clinton plans to astound, intimidate with fundraising ‘like nothing you’ve seen’. Not surprsingly, A Massive Wave of Secret Money Is Coming. Supporters say Clinton developing...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter is out, and you should check out the whole January issue archived right here, an online exclusive. The Grab Bag is monthly for now, and it’s a hit...
This article continues a series of posts depicting the continual evolution in how we think about Social Media in our digital political strategy practices. You can read Beth’s earlier pieces on Social Sharing and Social Shopping here on...
Facebook really, really wants you to post your videos directly to your Page rather than publishing a link to the same video on YouTube. How much do they want you to do it? According to our old friend Beth Becker, and based on her experience running...
Check out the latest “Political Social Media Grab Bag” e-newsletter from regular contributor and friend-of-the-site Beth Becker. We missed her November issue in middle of the election frenzy, but the December issue’s...
Long-time readers won’t be surprised to hear that I’m psyched for this weekend’s Rootscamp: I sing its glories every year. Besides a great gathering of the liberal online tribe, it’s a tremendous education. Where else can you...
For Democrats, Turnout Efforts Look Successful (Though Not Elections). State-by-state comparison shows the results, but Dems still lost. C.f. DCCC Touts Historic Fundraising, Advertising. Only problem: that whole “winning” thing. How Big...