5. Social Networks
Wired: | open id |
Tired: | single brand communities |
Expired: | MySpace design limitations |
Wired: | Building a strategic profile that creatively engages people |
Tired: | Building a profile in a few places and updating every so often |
Expired: | Building a profile for every network you can find |
Wired: | grassroots organizing |
Tired: | 1 meeellion people for... |
Expired: | band spam |
Wired: | widgets |
Tired: | regular ol' my space page |
Expired: | faking it (trying to sound young and cool and hip) |
Wired: | Kiva.org & LinkedIn |
Tired: | All the advertising and ugly design of MySpace. |
Expired: | When social networking sites don't allow an NGO to easily link back to the group's website. |
Wired: | Candidate Avatars at YearlyKos in Second Life |
Tired: | I've got more friends than you!!! Yeah right. Do some real campaign WORK for a change. |
Expired: | Meetup |
Wired: | Facebook |
Tired: | Myspace |
Expired: | Friendster |
Wired: | Aim Pages |
Tired: | facebook |
Expired: | friendster |
Wired: | Change.org |
Tired: | MySpace |
Expired: | SecondLife -- what a fraud |
Wired: | Having Your Own |
Tired: | Facebook |
Expired: | Friendster |
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