1. Email

Wired:Microtargeting your users
Tired:Mass emailing your users
Expired:Bcc'ing your users

Wired:call to action
Tired:self-praise blather
Expired:no unsubscribe link

Wired:straightforward, authentic, relevant
Expired:buy an ad

Wired:Emails with just the right image
Tired:Emails that are full of images
Expired:Emails that are *only* one big image

Wired:Short text with links that drive traffic to an org's website.
Expired:Looooooong and no imagery.

Wired:email from my friend about how I can take meaningful action on your cause
Tired:MoveOn email about the emergency "must donate now" issue of the moment
Expired:"Hi, I'm Hillary Clinton please give me money"

Wired:small niches
Tired:overpromising - this email will end the war!
Expired:blind copied spamming

Wired:Compelling Campaigns
Tired:re: and fwd: in the subject lines

Wired:User-created event emails
Tired:Fundraising emails
Expired:Low tech graphics

Wired:brilliant copy
Tired:custom banners
Expired:Email that reads like direct mail

Tired:customize this form letter and send it to your member of congress
Expired:Send this form letter to your member of congress

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