Below are social media statistics for the Republican presidential candidates in the week ending 12/30/2012. Data is for the entire U.S. and includes mentions of the candidates on blogs, Facebook and Twitter. Full analysis and charts here.

Total Social Media Mentions (Includes "Likes" and Retweets)

Date 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/23 - 12/30
Ron Paul Total Mentions 43832 39470 22062 40413 60354 69345 115043 89998 480517
Mitt Romney Total Mentions 35818 20691 11590 17501 31369 58325 58901 62125 285286
Rick Santorum Total Mentions 4671 4481 1454 3210 10117 23886 38378 36630 122196
Newt Gingrich Total Mentions 15241 41199 15899 19076 33159 41760 31971 29891 228196
Rick Perry Total Mentions 3355 7747 2334 2639 4707 10790 10790 7002 51216

Total "Likes" and Retweets

Date 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/23-12/30
Ron Paul Mentions 19123 17101 9429 17794 26177 29921 51538 40165 211248
Mitt Romney Mentions 11109 9431 5110 7830 14256 26921 27483 33990 136130
Rick Santorum Mentions 2077 2008 591 1343 4576 11022 18025 1728 56925
Newt Gingrich Mentions 6545 19267 7170 8532 14881 18757 14403 13603 103188
Rick Perry Mentions 734 1850 509 583 1113 3092 2764 1702 12347

Total Social Media Mentions WITHOUT "Likes" and Retweets

Date 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/23 - 12/30
Ron Paul Mentions 24709 22369 12633 22619 34177 39424 63505 49833 269269
Mitt Romney Mentions 13675 11260 6480 9671 17113 31404 31418 28135 149156
Rick Santorum Mentions 2594 2473 863 1867 5541 12864 20353 19345 65900
Newt Gingrich Mentions 8696 21932 8729 10544 18278 23003 17568 16288 125038
Rick Perry Mentions 2621 5897 1825 2056 3594 9550 8026 5300 38869