As Americans struggle with a pandemic that’s put millions out of work and killed more than 100,000 of us so far, President Donald Trump has chosen to launch a war against a social-media company. Of course, we already know who’ll lose...
Democratic digital staff just conducted an intervention aimed at the Biden campaign, filtered through the words of Politico’s Alex Thompson. In a piece published on Tuesday, Thompson quotes a half-dozen experienced digital campaign staffers...
Iowa, thank you for reminding us of a fundamental truth about political tech: test it before you need it. On edge since Election Day 2016, Democrats wanted the Iowa caucus to show us something, SOMETHING! definitive about how we will end the Trump...
“The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots.” – Erich Fromm Danger? Or opportunity…. With that in mind, I offer you my look at the next ten years of digital...
If it’s midnight in Moscow, what time is it in Kentucky? Via PoliticalWire, the Democratic PAC American Bridge has launched an extension for the Chrome web browser that will automatically replace the words “Mitch McConnell” in any...
Strategic bombing, by a rebel group, via drone: welcome to the 21st century. Just today, we learned that Yemeni Houthi rebels planned and launched what was obviously a carefully targeted attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities. The explosions and...
Hi folks, I’ve been exploring some easy livin’ post-Netroots, but even a fine summer slow must end sometime. Let’s start off running with an idea I wrote up for Campaigns & Elections a few weeks back: what new political tech...
Headed soon to a phone in your hands? Augmented reality advertising. First question? What does that even mean. As Christina Bonnington explains in Slate, commercial brands are already experimenting with ads designed to draw people into the world of...
Digital politics isn’t the only obsession smoldering down here in the e.politics bunker: after talking with a couple of smart techie friends who are sincerely concerned about the rise of autonomous killing machines, in May I launched a new... contributor Deepak Puri has held executive positions at Oracle, Netscape and VMware, and is the founder of, an IoT consulting firm, and co-founder of Democracy Labs, a non-profit hub in San Francisco that connects...