Hi folks, apologies for the relatively sparse publishing schedule lately, but it’s been for a good reason: for the past week, I’ve been in Bratislava, Slovakia for the Central and Eastern European Fundraising Conference. We had...
Hi folks, things are hopping over here in the e.politics bunker: the consulting biz is humming, I’m doing a training for some potential candidates this weekend, the next TechBytes column is coming due, and the second webinar in the series...
Webinar time! Apologies for the short notice, but I’m teaming up with the good folks at Blackbaud for a series of online presentations around key digital advocacy topics, and the first one’s on Wednesday, February 11. That’s like...
On Thursday I had the pleasure of sharing a stage with Chris Wegrzyk (Blue Labs), Bruce Willsie (Labels & Lists) and Matt McMillan (Buzzmaker) at the 2014 Victory Awards Conference (you might remember that last year Epolitics.com won a Victory...
Howdy folks, I’m going on MSNBC this morning to talk with host Thomas Roberts for a few minutes sometime in the 11:30-noon segment about the new ebook. Very cool! Time to help spread the word about the power of digital tools to create...
Hi folks, I’m back from a fasinating fascinating time in Boston, where I stood in for Nicco Mele in front of his digital politics class at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. This class session covered online fundraising, and we...
Frightening but true: next Wednesday I’ll be subbing for Nicco Mele in his Media, Politics, and Power in the Digital Age class at Harvard’s Kennedy School. Time to crash the gates of the American intellectual establishment, E.politics...
Howdy folks, I’ll be spending most of Wednesday and Thursday this week at Salsa’s 2013 Community Conference, where this afternoon I’m participating in a panel discussion we’re calling: “Getting Them to Come to You:...
Howdy folks, Wednesday morning I’ll be venturing out of the e.politics bunker for a trip down to Capitol Hill for a panel discussion, part of the new Conncected Congress series. I’m on-stage with friends Serenety Hanley and Lorelei...
Howdy folks, I’m currently sitting in a hotel room in lovely Bucharest, Romania, tinkering with a presentation slide deck for the umpteenth time (they’re never done). Conference season is clearly in full force, and this week I’m...