Keep scrolling past the links to watch last week’s training, “Creating a Practical Digital Advocacy Strategy in a Tough Environment”. And believe me, if you are a fan of constitutional democracy, we are in a tough environment. Also...
Hi folks, I hope you’re holding it together. Count me as one of the millions who are truly afraid for the future of American democracy. If you haven’t seen it, check out last week’s quick guide to citizen activism in this new era...
How can campaigns and nonprofits raise money online? Let’s find out! Join me (long-time digital strategist Colin Delany) for a one-hour (roughly) online discussion at 3pm EDT on Thursday, June 27th to introduce you to the how, why and when of...
Update: you can now watch the video of this training on YouTube. Previously: Some news here: I’m starting a new series of free, one-hour(ish) online trainings covering essential digital advocacy and campaigning topics this summer. These should...
Back in far-off February, I delivered a social-media training for a long-time client, the Marine Fish Conservation Network. The Network includes a bunch of organizations that work on the ground (and the water) with commercial fishermen, recreational...
Below are a few articles that expand on several topics covered in this month’s online advertising trainings. A few spots in the 6/22 campaign edition are still available as of a week out, so sign up quick! All of these topics are covered in...
[Hi folks, apologies for the long radio silence! Basically, after 15 years of writing regularly, I burned out — I got to the point where it felt I’d run out of anything new to say. I’ve still been writing my monthly piece for...
Hey gang! I’m on my way to Phoenix today to speak with a group of state house members and senators gathered at a National Conference of State Legislatures event Wednesday morning. The topic? Digital advertising and the regulation thereof...
Now online by popular demand! Check out the slides from the digital advertising presentation Emily Gittleman and I delivered at Netroots Nation this morning. For more info, follow up with us individually — I’m on Twitter as @epolitics...
Online engagement: it’s all the rage in the digital marketing world, and the nonprofit space is no exception. But Likes, Shares and Comments are meaningless as an end in themselves, since they only matter if they help you achieve your...