Cross-posted on techPresident The primaries are dead; long live the primaries! Before we plunge into the inevitable frenzy of the Fall campaign season, let’s take a few minutes to draw some conclusions about the world of online politics from...
Updated January, 2011 Okay, I’m sold — let’s get started. So what ARE the essential tools of online politics, and are they the same for every campaign? I’d argue that the answer to the second question is pretty close to yes:...
Along with Dennis Johnson, Karen Jagoda and Morra Aarons-Mele, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation this morning on congressional and local online campaigns for the assembled journalists at the Knight Digital Media Center’s symposium...
Cross-posted on techPresident. By many accounts, Republican candidate Ron Paul has become an online political phenomenon: despite polling in the low single digits nationally, as of today he has more Facebook supporters than McCain, more MySpace...
Updated January, 2011 1. Think about the ends before you think about the means I know it sounds obvious to say that you should think about where you’re going before you decide how to get there, but I can’t tell you how many times a...