Speaking about social media at Tuesday’s Media Future Now lunch, Melanie Phung made a great point about blogger relations: she described it as effective but not efficient. That’s an excellent summing-up, since a link in the right blog...
Cross-posted on techPresident As reported on TPM Cafe yesterday, the Obama transition team has named its first online communications staff: Macon Phillips, formerly of Blue State Digital and the Obama campaign, will head new media, and Jesse Lee...
Cross-posted on techPresident Barack Obama elected president in 2008? Inconceivable without the internet — and that’s not just a web-guy’s brag. Sarah Lai Stirland has already wrapped up online technology’s critical role in...
Cross-posted on K Street Cafe Congress does not lack for citizen input — every year, hundreds of millions of emails, faxes, letters and calls crashland on the Hill, and some congressional offices are so overwhelmed that they’ve basically...
Cross-posted on techPresident In today’s spirit of getting things done, let’s take a look next at how individual citizens can involve themselves in politics using the internet and do it effectively. So before we all stampede straight off...
Hey John, how’s things? Crazy year, eh? Sorry about last week — you must have been dying inside as the press fawned all over that pipsqueak Barack Obama on his overseas jaunt. Reporters are YOUR base, after all, and what’s worse is...
Ever wonder why Republicans are so good at staying on message? At Netroots Nation, the DNC’s training director Parag V. Mehta explained one reason — when he was staying with a Republican friend once, he happened to see an email sent to...
Cross-posted on techPresident First fruits of Netroots Nation — this morning, Chris Hughes and friend-of-e.politics (and new Obama campaign employee) Judith Freeman led an overview of how the nominee-to-be’s campaign has used social...
Several conversations over the past few days have kept coming back to the same point: in the online world, things that seem cheap often aren’t, and things that seem expensive may actually be the cheaper alternative. For instance, Eric Rardin...
Below are resources for a little presention I like to call,
Cheap, Quick and (Sometimes) Dirty: Creating Integrated Online Campaigns Using Off-The-Shelf Parts
(Delivered at the DemocracyInAction Conference on June 26, 2008)