This time they came for Pelosi, and they came looking like amateurs. Like it mattered: the crudely edited video of the House Speaker altered to slur her speech has already reached millions of American voters. Wait until the REAL deepfakes come along...
No, the Republicans are not “winning the internet”, but Donald Trump does do one thing better than the Democrats. 523 days before the November 2020 elections, his campaign is already running a long-term Facebook persuasion campaign based...
I’ve been experimenting recently with cross-posting articles to, and last month’s Digital Beachheads article is the latest. With a new title, too, so check out Digital Beachheads: How to Use Facebook to Build...
Also published on as Digital Beachheads: How to Use Facebook to Build Progressive Support in Trump Country You don’t always get to pick your battlefields when you want to change a country. For progressives, many of our policy and...
Recognizing talent when they see it, House Democrats recently held a Twitter training featuring a star freshman member, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her day-to-day tweets show what the medium can do in the hands of someone who mastered it in her...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter came out over the weekend and we have it here for your enjoyment. An online exclusive! Sign up now to get the next Political Social Grab Bag delivered...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter came out a few days ago and we have it here for your enjoyment. An online exclusive! Sign up now to get the next Political Social Grab Bag delivered...
Election Day’s a week away, but you still have time to create a basic plan to employ mobile and digital tools to get out your vote. Quick & Dirty Strategy Let’s start with whom NOT to contact. Don’t spend time and advertising...
Beth Becker’s latest “Political Social Grab Bag” e-newsletter came out a few days ago and we have it here for your enjoyment. An online exclusive! Sign up now to get the next Political Social Grab Bag delivered...
Could Facebook’s new rules for political advertising actually encourage more of it? This idea came up in a discussion with the team at DSPolitical a few weeks ago, and I explored it in detail in my most recent Campaigns & Elections piece...