One thing that’s been fascinating to watch over past few months has been the flare-up of brief discussions among both friends and strangers related to particular pieces of information posted on Facebook — usually a status update, but...
As you’re voting on Tuesday, don’t forget to post your experience at the Twitter Vote Report — the folks behind it, include many of the techPresident crew along with some great organizations, have put together a site to collect...
Cross-posted on K Street Cafe Even in the Early Days of, back when we powered the servers with wood, coal and fuel-grade mummies, plenty of people were already predicting the demise of email as a marketing/communications tool. More...
Man, these things are coming fast now — the second presidential debate is tonight, and watch parties are popping up all over DC (I’ll be at Left Bank again, after a Care2 happy hour @ Local 16). For those of you scoring at home (and we...
Cross-posted on techPresident Way on back in 2007, we used to talk about how the internet fit into a presidential debate, that hallowed (and effective) tradition of the televison era. We even had two YouTube debates — remember them? Talking...
Cross-posted on K Street Cafe A tough question came up in a conversation with a visiting group of Danish communications professionals last week — how do you actually measure the effectiveness of social media outreach? At that moment, the...
Update: More online Palin-related satire. Somebody left the following video critique of the Republican vice-presidential pick as a link on the tPrez version of the Sarah Palin is Your New Segway article, so let’s reward a likely act of blatant...
Cross-posted on techPresident This just in from my friend Chris Cosart: the time of reckoning is at hand. I.e., the internet is turning its collective “genius” on Sarah Palin, meaning that she’s transcended the merely mortal to...
Update: mass media now confirming. Signing off for the weekend — heading to a wedding. Does Wikipedia know something we don’t? Check out the first few lines of the online encyclopedia’s entry on Alaska Governor Sarah Palin: Sarah...
Ah, the ripple effect of online communications — during Mark Warner’s speech Tuesday night, I popped the following message out to Twitter, properly tagged #DNC08 so that the content aggregators could put it into the stream with all the...