It’s not so often that you get to try a communications format completely new to you, and even less so that you decide to do so out-loud and in public, without a net. So when National Journal’s Sara Jerome suggested that we try conducting...
Guest article! Christina Zola wrote the piece below based on her notes from what must have been a fantastic public brainstorming session this past July 29th. Sponsored by the Progressive Communicators of DC and facilitated by Massey Media’s...
Saturday I got to do a presentation for a group of local elected officials at the DC-area Council of Governments retreat, and plenty of good questions and concerns came up during the discussion. I’ve gathered some articles below that expand on...
A Tuesday morning’s random harvest: Facebook ups its Washington profile (hah!) and the Kojo Nnamdi show takes notice, with Kojo bringing public policy director Tim Sparapani in for a stern grilling about the company’s spreading tentacles...
Here’s a small but revealing example of how communications technologies can work differently once they leave the land of their birth: individual Twitter posts can express more information in Chinese than in English, because the Chinese writing...
Remember that Twitter op-ed piece I wrote a couple of months ago? Let’s take a deeper look at it now that a little time has passed and see what we can learn, since writing a column for the newspaper is a time-honored way to influence the...
It’s a classic promotional tactic, online or off: see a story in the news, figure out a connection to your issue no matter how remote, and try to use it as a hook to get extra exposure. When the potential news angle involves a scandal, though...
You’d think I’d have learned my lesson after the last couple of Twitter frenzies, but what the heck — let’s dive right back into those shark-infested intellectual waters. So here’s the scoop: the opinion editors at the...
Like a grenade tossed into quiet waters, last week’s Twitter article definitely fired up a couple of folks up over on techPresident, Jon Pincus in particular. Check out the full thread at tPrez (thanks to Micah for jumping in while I was...
Cross-posted on techPresident Remember the “Twitter Revolution” in Moldova? Even as it was unfolding, the Twitter angle was being downgraded in the face of evidence that the Moldvovan protesters seemed to be using just about EVERY online...