A message just flitted across an online politics listserv that illustrates a new form of political dirty tricks: using Facebook’s reporting system to mark your opponents’ information as spam. Someone wrote in to report that staff from...
Kate Kaye’s picked up on a story that bombarded the e.politics bunker with at least half a dozen Google Alerts this morning: Twitter has decided not to allow political campaigns to purchase “Promoted Tweets” through the end of this...
Here’s one of the more interesting applications that’s come across the e.politics desktop this week — a company called AktNow.com is promoting technology that allows people to donate their Facebook status and Twitter feed to a...
Advocacy groups, beware: Facebook may not be as welcoming a venue for online activism as you expect: As the number of Facebook members signed up for the “Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics” page neared 78,000 in...
The email below went out this afternoon to the gentlemen and ladies of the political press. The sender? Michael Steel from John Boehner’s office (not, alas, Michael Steele of the RNC). The subject? A tweet. This may be another first, our...
We’ve seen candidates tout their social media bona fides as a plus, but I can’t remember a candidate who’s used his Twitter presence as the hook for a TV commercial: Cute intro! And a good fit for the candidate’s folksy style...
It’s an old idea on Epolitics.com, but a good one still — email and social networks work well together, no matter how many people try to predict (for instance) that Facebook dooms email to irrelevance. Two good examples popped up today...
The big news in the social media space: Facebook has released “Places,” a much-anticipated geo-location service that will allow users to “check in” at locations around the world. Or rather, Facebook is in the process of...
Another guest article, our second this week! This one comes from my NMS colleague Matt DeLuca, and it originally ran on the NMS blog. Matt’s been a great source of Quick Hits ideas lately, but this is his first actual guest piece on Epolitics...
Guest article! This one comes in from Kayle Hatt, an up-and-coming political organizer based in Canada who works with candidates on field organizing and communications and occasionally moonlights as a speechwriter. He also holds province-wide party...