Yesterday’s House hearing on the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau apparently took a harsh turn, with Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry in particular accusing interim director (and liberal darling) Elizabeth Warren of lying to Congress. In the...
A wealth of riches for our loyal readers! Check out the second guest article of the week, this one by a new guest author — Andrew Foxwell is the director of marketing and new media for iConstituent, a company that works with Congressional...
The latest from contributor Chris Talbot! A former Googler, Chris is the founder of Talbot Digital, on whose website this piece originally appeared. Check out his previous articles, All Buzz is Good Buzz: Taking Online Rapid Response...
I was online last night when the first hints of President Obama’s big announcement began to slip out, so of course I checked into Twitter to see what the chatter was. And as a few minutes’ wait stretched into over an hour, I kept looking...
Facebook may rule the social networking roost these days, but this past week I saw a couple of reminders of how fleeting that status can be. First, here’s an email that arrived from Friendster, once a dominant player in the online social...
Well, “bribery” of a sort: over the past couple of days, two different organizations have tried an interesting tack to build their Facebook followings, promising to make a donation to a cause if people “like” their Facebook...
These days, corporate brands and nonprofits alike are diving into Facebook marketing — for a small indicator, look at how many TV commercials now drive potential customers to a Facebook page rather than to a company’s own website (ten...
These posts on a “Politician’s Role in the Twitterverse” were a joint collaboration between Sandi Fox, Smart As A Fox Consulting (@smartasafox) and Sean Hurley, Hear Forward (@seanphurley). This article, the third in the series...
This just in from a good friend and progressive activist: gop has a new hashtag going #hcrcostsjobs you know what to do right? 🙂 Translation: Republicans are trying to hype the idea the health care reform is a job-killer, and they’re employing...
Back In The Day (i.e., last year) when I was at a certain online communications firm here in the DC area, we fielded a request from a client that turned out to be impossible to meet: they wanted a list of state politicians’ Facebook and...