Rick Perry may have tried to upstage her with his campaign launch, but Michelle Bachmann did win this year’s Ames Straw Poll, usually an early indicator of a candidate’s strength in first-to-caucus Iowa. An article in yesterday’s...
Here’s a little dramatization of a conversation that most online communicators have had in some form or another: Over at the day job, one of my colleagues tossed around the idea of using the video-creation site xtranormal for a project, so I...
Epolitics.com may have taken the last couple of weeks of summer off, but SOME people have more of a work ethic — among them regular contributor Beth Becker (@spedwybabs). Check out her latest treatise below, where she lays out Ten Commandments...
Here’s a fun idea — the folks at Progress Texas have put together PerryForPresidentFML, a website whose whole purpose is to make it easy for you to send out unflattering-but-true messages about Texas Governor and new Presidential...
Start your week off right by watching the video below, in which our own Beth Becker lays out ways social media can play into local campaigns. In the process, she makes a good point about how the need for speed implies that campaign managers trust...
Our own Beth Becker sent around an email earlier this week that she received from Manan Trevedi, a Democrat challenging Republican Jim Gerlach for the second time in a suburban Philadelphia congressional district: Dear Beth, Over the past week...
Here’s a quick example of using the strengths of one medium to reinforce another, in this case to boost your message’s chances of viral spread: MoveOn.org capitalized on David Axelrod and John Kerry’s use of the phrase “Tea...
Here’s something to check out: a former anti-gay-marriage activist is accusing the National Organization for Marriage of shady dealings on the internets, claiming that the organization formed a “SWAT team” of social media...
This in earlier today from social media firm PeekYou, whose PR people definite know how to get on top of a breaking story: the news that Newt may have fudged his Twitter following just a tad. If you’ve missed out on the fun so far, Gawker...
If you’re into reading legislation yourself (zzzzzzz), the House Rules committee has now published the text of the proposed budget deal in both PDF and XML formats — apparently, the committee staff stayed up late to take care of the...