Our good friend (and recent Pinterest enthusiast) Beth Becker reports in with this tidbit from the trail: campaigns are turning to “protected” Twitter feeds to organize volunteers. Since the account owner of a protected feed has to...
Update: Check the comments for an interesting conversation breaking out. Guest article! The latest from our old friend Beth Becker, who’s seized with excitement over Pinterest, the latest shiny object potentially useful item in our ever...
Guest article! Below is the latest from Kayle Hatt, a Canadian political organizer who works with candidates on field organizing and communication and who earlier wrote about candidates and social media and about social media in that far distant...
Latest video from my discussion with Meltwater‘s Kimling Lam and Ashley Hillis! When you’re done, also check out the first two installments.
– cpd
Hi folks, the other day I sat down (via Skype) with the Meltwater Group‘s Kimling Lam to talk about social media and political campaigns. We talked for about half an hour, and Meltwater’s currently putting out the results as a series of...
Here’s a message I sent out toward the end of last week’s State Of The Union live-tweeting extravaganza: A live-tweeting session is a curiously unsocial social media experience – 150 people in a room, w only the speech & the...
Remember all that money your organization, campaign or company spent on Facebook Ads designed to build a following for your Facebook Page? Well, that real estate is steadily losing its value: With the introduction of the “subscribe”...
Update: The good folks at PopVox will be tweeting out links to any legislation mentioned in the SOTU and the Republican response at @PopVox. Handy! Big news today — my NWLC colleague Danielle Jackson and I are invited to the White House (along...
Howdy folks, on Saturday I sat down with NationBuilder’s Chief Organizer Adriel Hampton (via Skype) to talk about, well, a lot! We started with a focus on the SOPA protests and Chris Dodd’s new education on the power of internet...
Also published on HuffingtonPost Here’s an angle that just occurred to me about today’s widespread online protests against the “Stop Online Piracy Act”: normally we talk about digital activism being HOSTED on the internet...