Update: by popular request, here’s the link to the resource page referred to in the audio clip — I forgot it the first time around. Good news — our South by Southwest panel discussion on the Occupy movement as an example of the...
Howdy folks, I’ve been hit lately by a rash of sales pitches from social media “experts,” and the only rational response is to make fun of them. So with a nod to Letterman, here are my Top Ten Signs a “Social Media...
Call today a study in crowdsourcing contrasts. First, the good: public-interest news outlet ProPublica is asking citizens to help track political advertising by candidates and outside groups like SuperPACs (they need assistance because the FCC has...
The folks over at Edelman Digital have done us a solid: they’ve looked at months of data on the Twitter habits of U.S. House members and Senators and drawn conclusions about what works: In the analysis, the team defined success metrics for...
With all the talk the last couple of weeks about the Kony 2012 video — including why it went viral — let’s go back a few months to Epolitics.com’s own contribution to the literature of virality, which broke 1000 views on...
Howdy folks, I’m back from SXSW and none the worse for wear, despite the best efforts of man, beast and beer. One story that almost slipped through the cracks while I was gallivanting about: ABCNews’s Amy Bingham picked up on the Super...
Continuing our recent run of a real wealth of guest articles, here comes another contribution from our old friend Beth Becker, who reminds us that in social media campaigning, we should to begin at the very beginning, which is a very good place to...
Today’s South By Southwest Interactive discussion on the Occupy movement as citizen journalism should be fascinating: I’m looking forward to a terrific discussion with Priscilla Grim, Kira Annika, Charles Wyble and Boyd Carter. Check out...
Guest article! Steve Kleine is a Principal with Ensomo, a social media marketing, monitoring and analysis firm. You can reach Steve directly at steve@ensomo.com, and also check out his earlier article on social media monitoring for campaigns. Major...
It really started with an image: The all-male, clerical-heavy line-up was speaking before Rep. Darrell Issa’s House hearing on the Obama administration’s new policy requiring contraceptive coverage in new health insurance policies, with...