Guest article! The latest from our old friend Beth Becker. How a Twitter Rapid Response Campaign Helped Susan Sarandon ‘Get’ Paid Sick Days By Beth Becker A coalition of diverse organizations in New York City has banded together to...
The second (and final) segment of Beth Becker’s latest thinking on social media. Rethinking Social, Part Two: Optimizing Content for Social Sharing By Beth Becker In the first segment in this two-part series, I briefly explored the idea that...
Another great guest article from our old friend Beth Becker! Bonus: look for Part Two in the next couple of days. Rethinking Social, Part One: Social Media is Social Sharing By Beth Becker For the last two years I’ve begun every social media...
This just came in over the proverbial transom: basic social media numbers on several politicians being mentioned as potential Romney Vice Presidential picks. These data were compiled by experienced digital marketer Al DiGuido, about whom you can...
No, the scoop ISN’T that the newly unveiled “Social Victory Center” is set to share users’ activity far and wide by default, as Shaun Dakin noted yesterday. That’s annoying, but not exactly news: by now, Facebook is...
Big day for technology rollouts! The Republican Party proudly released its new grassroots-engagement Facebook App today, which got coverage in a few outlets including the Christian Science Monitor, where I got a couple of solid quotes: “At...
Guest article! Laura Packard of PowerThru Consulting is no stranger to these pages, and her latest is an update of her earlier (and popular) article on connecting social media and email. The piece below is also our third product of the 2012...
Peter Greenberger made a great observation today on a CampaignTech panel about reaching inside-the-Beltway “influentials.” Peter’s now with Twitter (he was previously at Google), but he got his political start on a Clinton campaign...
Absolute genius from The Oatmeal — we talk about best practices all day long here at, but this cartoon says it more eloquently than I ever could (be sure to click through to the full version if you’re on the E.pol front...
The good Senator from Nebraska Iowa [d’oh!] called President Obama “stupid” on Twitter the other day for his remarks about the Supreme Court and the health care law, with results one would expect (my fave response, from David...