The internet may be powered by cute kittens, but it definitely has a dark side — it’s haunted by the ghost of Adolf Hitler. For one recent example, let’s go to the great state of Ohio, where: “Ohio school board President Debe...
Here’s a new-ish development over at Facebook that should be handy for political advertisers — Fb is now identifying users who are “politically active” based on their interests and interactions. Even better, they’ve...
Riche Zamor is an old friend and someone always on the move — and today he’s here to talk about a new project that sounds like something plenty of you might be interested in helping out with: Social Media is Bullshit It’s a growing...
Down in Texas for the holidays, I’ve been helping my father get started on Twitter, where he’s trying to spread the word about his project to package open-source machining and manufacturing tools and techniques for the developing world...
This just in from our friend Kayle Hatt: The Catholic Church, arguably one of the most traditionalist organizations in our time with a habit of resisting change, just launched an official Twitter account for Pope Benedict XVI (@Pontifex) in eight...
If you couldn’t make it to RootsCamp this weekend, my condolences: it was a hell of an experience, and I learned a huge amount about what went on in practice on the 2012 digital campaign trail. Fortunately, a bunch of us were live-tweeting...
Our friends at the Pew Internet and American Life have put together a handy new infographic that covers much of their recent data on how we’re using digital technology in politics. What percentage of Twitter users are liberal? The answer might...
Today’s Press Club discussion on social media’s role in 2012 is shaping up to be a terrific discussion, and you can follow the live coverage via the hashtag #SocialElection. Below are links to articles covering topics that are likely to...
Hurricane Sandy might have postponed our Press Club panel on social media in the presidential race, but never fear, it’s rescheduled for next Friday, November 16th. With the date change a few tickets have popped open, so check it out. Should...
Yes I know, to those of us in The Profession, it sounds like a rhetorical question: can social media win the presidential election?. Of course the answer’s “no” — it’s incredibly rare for a single factor of any kind to...