Howdy folks, whew! That Armenia trip threw me for a loop for a few days: it was a fantastic experience, but I think I caught both ends of the jet lag on the flip side (my poor aging brain was addled for days, the body longer). All is well now, and...
Talk about timing: just Monday a group of Republican notables working with the RNC put a plan to revive the party, and here at, we already had a response ready to roll. The RNC’s Growth and Opportunity Project report hasn’t...
Guest article! Beth Becker returns to our pages with a very cool idea — applying the paradigm of social shopping to political advocacy. Check it out: The Digital/Social Evolution Continues: Social Shopping By Beth Becker Social: 1: involving...
Karen Tumulty captured an interesting internet-fueled dynamic around Rand Paul’s Senate filibuster last week: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) created a sensation Wednesday by railing for nearly 13 hours straight in the Senate chamber against the Obama...
Utterly gratuitous photo of the Extra Grumpy Cat When Barack Obama crossed the nerd-culture streams in his Jedi Mind Meld moment last week, he created great joy on the internets: by combining the Star Wars Jedi Mind Trick and the Star Trek Vulcan...
The Pew Research Center has a study out this week that should confirm what a lot of us have felt when people have tried to use the tone of social media coverage to gauge public opinion. Their top-line findings: The reaction on Twitter to major...
Here’s a milestone to consider: digital politics has now been around long enough now that authors can start writing about how it HAS changed people’s lives, rather than about how it WILL change their lives. Case in point? Andy...
David Rehr from GW’s Graduate School of Political Management sent over the slides below earlier today, which summarize the findings of a study in which he participated that looked at social media’s role in the 2012 elections. The results...
Guest article! The inimitable Beth Becker returns to our pages to muse about developments in the social ‘net that’ll matter to online communicators in the year to come. My (irreverent) comments are included as (ed notes) in the text...
Last Wednesday I had the pleasure of going on Karen Jagoda’s Digital Politics Radio show, and as always we had a great conversation. We ranged all over the place, from the nature of social media as a domain of niches, to the nature of mass...