Guest article! This piece comes from Abe Greenhouse and is adapted from An Activist’s Guide to Live Tweeting, originally published on Middle East news and analysis site Electronic Intifada. Lots of great advice below — don’t miss...
Guest article! This piece comes in from Ryan Donovan, Media Coordinator at DDC Advocacy. The topic’s a little unusual for, since it’s about sports and social media rather than politics, but it’s a chance to learn from...
So, did you hear about the White House national security staffer who got fired over his private Twitter account? Apparently the bosses didn’t much like what he was posting, and once they finally figured out who he was, he was out the door. If...
Remember those creative advocacy campaigns we talked about last week? A couple of them illustrated a dirty little secret to Facebook success: if you want to get your content widely shared, and you have an email list, send out a message asking people...
Charles Ellison asked me a good question yesterday: hasn’t Twitter (and by implication, other social channels like Facebook) replaced old-school email as a communications tool for political campaigns? My one-word answer: no. But why? Charles...
It’s a mental shift for online communicators: don’t think about Facebook content as content, think of each piece as an action. I.e., a Facebook post isn’t really words or images, it’s a Share — it’s an action that...
Time to mark a technological changing of the guard: Indians have sent their last telegrams. After today, a medium that knitted the subcontinent together in the days before broadband and mobile phones will be no more: On July 14, the last for the...
Albert will be very sad if you don’t “Like” this article At Netroots Nation this week, Brandon Silverman of CrowdTangle (a new social media monitoring tool) noted something interesting: people are much more likely to respond to...
With the protests in Turkey seeming set to continue despite Sunday’s clearing of Gezi Park (major trade unions have called for a strike on Monday), let’s look at a trend that a new friend (a Turkish national) pointed out a few days back...