Content aggregrator is one of the few websites that’s clearly changed the way the internet does business. How? Through a ruthless process of testing, they discovered the power of those teasy, clever headlines that absolutely make...
What are the big developments to watch in online advocacy? That question is very much on my mind: Monday I’ll have the privilege of leading a digital strategy training for public affairs professionals, and I’ve been pulling slides...
Update: see this Washington Post article for more analysis and a response from Facebook. Also, see this critique of the critique, via Shaun Dakin. Hi folks, sorry for the relative paucity of posts this week — your Loyal Editor is a bit under...
Here’s something folks may want to keep close at hand: a straightforward guide to your (current) Facebook advertising options. A friend was looking for one recently, and Fb’s Katie Harbath was happy to provide. The basic options...
Congraulations to the communications folks at Planned Parenthood Action!* According to Crowdtangle, they won the internet last night with a Facebook post dinging the official Republican response to the State of the Union: Post by Planned Parenthood...
The following is an excerpt from the new ebook, “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Politics for Campaigns & Advocates”, available in the Amazon store for the Kindle e-reader and as a PDF here on...
The following is an excerpt from the new ebook, “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Politics for Campaigns & Advocates”, available in the Amazon store for the Kindle e-reader and as a PDF here on...
We’ve been a little hard on Facebook lately, what with the pay-to-play future and today’s obsession with Engagement. So let’s switch tack and look at a reason that political and advocacy campaigns benefit from building a Facebook...
A quick follow-up to today’s earlier post about Facebook’s increasingly “pay-to-play” environment for Page owners: let’s put Facebook “engagement” (in raw form, the number of Likes, Shares, Comments and...
Also check out the follow-on article, “Facebook Engagement is NOT an End in Itself.” We’ve covered this trend before, but look to for it to accelerate in the New Year: Facebook pay-to-play. Remember all that time, energy and (quite...