New guest author! Shaun Dakin is a good friend and an old hand at social media, and today he comes to us with a message some may find counter-intuitive. Ignore his words at your peril, though! This post first appeared on the Dakin & Associates...
Sohini Baliga posed an excellent question in a social media session at Nonprofit 2.0: how hard would it be for you if Facebook went away tomorrow? In that context, “you” meant “your nonprofit,” but we can extend the question...
Update: a comment from past contributor Derek Pangallo on Facebook did remind me that people who do a lot of back-and-forth conversation on Twitter will have a different pattern than someone who just posts links to content. That will...
The following is an excerpt from “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Politics for Campaigns & Advocates”, available for download on and here on This overview focuses on...
On today’s Fox News Sunday, George Will and Brit Hume gave the #BringBackOurGirls awareness-raising campaign for the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls what they intended to be a serious intellectual beat-down: “Do you think that this is...
Guest article! Jonathan Rick is the president of the Jonathan Rick Group, a digital communications firm here in DC. Let him know which other websites have embraced prewritten pull-quote tweets by tweeting him at @jrick. This Tiny NYT Twitter Trick...
The following is an excerpt from “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Politics for Campaigns & Advocates”, available for download on and here on Please note that this...
The following is an excerpt from the new ebook, “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Politics for Campaigns & Advocates”, available in the Amazon store for the Kindle e-reader and as a PDF here on...
We’ve talked several times in these pages about Facebook’s continuing evolution into a pay-to-play medium for brands, nonprofits and other Page owners, and the trend seems clear. The straight dope? It looks like you’d better budget...
More from our friend Laura Packard with PowerThru Consulting! Learn the latest about the always-popular topic of list-building via social media in the article below, and be sure to check out her past articles. This piece first appeared...