Continuing our recent stroll through the halls of digital politics memory, let’s go back this week to the early earliest days of social advocacy. Friendster may have been a ghost and Facebook a glimmer on the horizon when
Hi folks, with well into its ninth(!) year of publishing, we’ve seen more changes in digital politics and advocacy in these pages than I can even remember. So let’s start reliving The Way Things Were in the Old Days in true...
Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” Sherlock Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the...
Hi folks, regular contributor Beth Becker went on Digital Politics Radio the other week, and you should give the segment a solid listen. The topic? Campaign social media, particularly the ways it can help build relationships with...
A few weeks back, I was fortunate enough to get to bring joy to many of my friends’ lives, if just for a brief moment. How? By posting a story to Facebook that included a preview image…which got cropped in an unintentionally hilarious...
New feature! Regular contributor and friend-of-the-site Beth Becker has just launched a “Political Social Grab Bag” email newsletter, and she’s been kind enough to share it with us. Rock and roll! I’ve excerpted...
In my earlier post about learning to live with Facebook’s new algorithm, I mentioned that directly uploading a video to Facebook will get your content more organic reach (more viewers) than sharing a link to the same video hosted on YouTube...
By now most of you will have seen the latest nonprofit fundraising effort to catch the moment and ride a wave of attention, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Some recent stories in the mainsteam media have blasted this particular effort, but for those...
Here’s a quick tip from a social media discussion I sat in on sometime last spring (my notes have evaporated, alas, or I’d give a shout-out to whoever suggested it). If you’re publishing regularly on Facebook, consider taking a...
Over the last few months, just about everyone I’ve spoken with in the communications world has had an opinion on Facebook’s algorithm “tweaks.†While few of the reviews have been positive, I’ve been lucky: I haven’t seen...