In this edition: Epolitics update Article: Make It Visceral, Make It Real A few links to chew on Epolitics Update Hi folks, thanks to all the new subsribers who’ve joined the Epolitics Substack in the last few days, including our first paid...
How can campaigns and nonprofits raise money online? Let’s find out! Join me (long-time digital strategist Colin Delany) for a one-hour (roughly) online discussion at 3pm EDT on Thursday, June 27th to introduce you to the how, why and when of...
Update: you can now watch the video of this training on YouTube. Previously: Some news here: I’m starting a new series of free, one-hour(ish) online trainings covering essential digital advocacy and campaigning topics this summer. These should...
Back in far-off February, I delivered a social-media training for a long-time client, the Marine Fish Conservation Network. The Network includes a bunch of organizations that work on the ground (and the water) with commercial fishermen, recreational...
Update: The Daily 202 has details on ad volume and placement. Interesting tidbit via today’s Politico’s Playbook PM: Press secretary Jen Psaki said at the briefing today that the Biden administration’s efforts to discourage migration...
Brad Caldana and long-time friend-of-Epolitics Beth Becker are hosting what promises to be a great online training starting in March. The topic? Building a social-media ambassador program. The idea? With organic Facebook reach a fading memory for...
Photo: online, disinformation spreads like…. Continuing today’s disinformation theme (readers-via-email, be sure to check out Deepak Puri’s piece below), let’s talk about neo-nazis on social media: Over the years, these...
Nobody on the political left wants to share stories from Fox…but we should. The idea naturally rankles. Why should we boost a news outlet that consistently distorts our views and actively turns people against us? For one reason: sharing Fox...
No internet, no Capitol riot: It’s that simple. Mainstream American political organizations assemble crowds, but rarely mobs. Advocacy groups don’t generally turn people against the institutions of government physically, and events like...
Now that Twitter has banned its loudest voice, has the platform lost its status as a political tool? Not really, at least in the short run, I argue in my latest column for Campaigns & Elections. For one thing, DJT wasn’t the only one...