Cross-posted on techPresident Way on back in 2007, we used to talk about how the internet fit into a presidential debate, that hallowed (and effective) tradition of the televison era. We even had two YouTube debates — remember them? Talking...
“Fun” and “Microsoft” are two words rarely found in the same sentence, but here we are: in an entirely unselfish attempt to help candidates afraid that they’ll join Sarah Palin in having their email accounts hacked, the...
Guess what — people who are trained to organize political action might just be able to hit back if you take ’em on. In the few hours since Republican V.P nominee Sarah Palin made fun of Barack Obama’s community organizer background...
Cross-posted on techPresident This just in from my friend Chris Cosart: the time of reckoning is at hand. I.e., the internet is turning its collective “genius” on Sarah Palin, meaning that she’s transcended the merely mortal to...
Want to see how rapid response works in a modern political setting? Take a look at this front-page article in today’s Post, because the Obama campaign’s reply to John McCain’s inability to remember how many houses he owns is a...
Watch the two clips below and see if you agree: when the professional ad makers take on the distributed, collective intelligence of the internet, the ad guys risk losing. Here’s what I mean: McCain’s video folks are clearly very...
Paris Hilton and “genius” are rarely seen in the same sentence, but here they are. You may have heard of the video below, but you really oughta check it out for yourself: See Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad and more funny videos on...
Republican strategist David All, who seems to write approximately 25 hours per day, put out an online political video manifesto yesterday which has in turn generated a fair amount of discussion. David has five recommendations for political...
The George Allen “macaca” video has already become legend in the political world a captured moment that spread spontaneously around the web and helped sink the campaign of a man who’d been touted as presidential contender...