Looking for a different way to follow President Obama’s jobs speech this evening? Try “Sunlight Live:” As you tune in tonight, consider checking out the Sunlight Foundation’s “Sunlight Live” coverage of the speech...
Here’s a quick example of using the strengths of one medium to reinforce another, in this case to boost your message’s chances of viral spread: MoveOn.org capitalized on David Axelrod and John Kerry’s use of the phrase “Tea...
Guess what: people tend to give money when they’re all riled up. This week’s example? When Republican Rep. Allen West blew up via email at Democratic colleague Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Tuesday, saying, “You are the most vile...
Here’s a fun (and fundamental) mistake to avoid: don’t promote a web address for your campaign until you’re sure you’ve actually bought it…. You see, the New Jersey branch of Americans for Prosperity recently launched a...
Yesterday’s House hearing on the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau apparently took a harsh turn, with Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry in particular accusing interim director (and liberal darling) Elizabeth Warren of lying to Congress. In the...
I was online last night when the first hints of President Obama’s big announcement began to slip out, so of course I checked into Twitter to see what the chatter was. And as a few minutes’ wait stretched into over an hour, I kept looking...
This just in from a good friend and progressive activist: gop has a new hashtag going #hcrcostsjobs you know what to do right? 🙂 Translation: Republicans are trying to hype the idea the health care reform is a job-killer, and they’re employing...
Hear that rustling and rumbling in the background? That’s the sound of thousands of activists, journalists, bloggers and advocacy groups getting ready to spin tonight’s State of the Union address as it happens, live and online. The...
Buried in a Times piece today on what they portray as an internal Democratic debate about tying Republicans to some of the more-extreme statements of their Tea Party compatriots: At the Democratic National Committee, aides already have started work...
Another new guest author! Let’s give a warm E.pol welcome to Chris Talbot, former Googler and now founder of Talbot Digital. You can also follow him on Twitter at @talbotdigital. All Buzz is Good Buzz: Taking Online Rapid Response to the Next...