President Obama delivers the annual State of the Union address tonight, and professional political communicators all over DC are getting ready for the accompanying spin war. Here’s how I described that process a couple of years back: Hear that...
Rapid response in action! Within minutes of this morning’s Supreme Court decision striking down parts of the Voting Rights Act, while most analysts were still parsing it, this email landed in my inbox via the Democratic National Committee...
During last week’s Supreme Court arguments over California’s Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, the internet exploded with support for marriage equality. Social media provided a particularly public venue, and as a Facebook...
Utterly gratuitous photo of the Extra Grumpy Cat When Barack Obama crossed the nerd-culture streams in his Jedi Mind Meld moment last week, he created great joy on the internets: by combining the Star Wars Jedi Mind Trick and the Star Trek Vulcan...
Guest article! The latest from our old friend Beth Becker. How a Twitter Rapid Response Campaign Helped Susan Sarandon ‘Get’ Paid Sick Days By Beth Becker A coalition of diverse organizations in New York City has banded together to...
Update: also check out a 2019 digital oppo piece discussing online public records like voter registration, lawsuits, tax payments and driving history. New guest article! Ben Donahower is an experienced campaign operative who runs Campaign Trail Yard...
Peter Greenberger made a great observation today on a CampaignTech panel about reaching inside-the-Beltway “influentials.” Peter’s now with Twitter (he was previously at Google), but he got his political start on a Clinton campaign...
It really started with an image: The all-male, clerical-heavy line-up was speaking before Rep. Darrell Issa’s House hearing on the Obama administration’s new policy requiring contraceptive coverage in new health insurance policies, with...
Here’s a message I sent out toward the end of last week’s State Of The Union live-tweeting extravaganza: A live-tweeting session is a curiously unsocial social media experience – 150 people in a room, w only the speech & the...
Check out the fundraising email below, which rolled in via the Daily Kos list on Friday. Other than standard template elements, its sole content consisted of: Subject: Mazel tov! Colin, Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, a Democrat and one of the...