(Hope I don’t have to eat my words on this one…. Update: Nope.) On the second night of the Republican Convention, let me depart from our normal programming here to predict that the Palin pick will be an absolute disaster for John McCain...
This piece was written early in July for inclusion in the E-Voter Institute’s 7th Annual Survey of Political and Advocacy Communications Leaders and 3rd Annual Survey of Voter Expectations. Incorporated into Harnessing the Power of Social...
Watch the two clips below and see if you agree: when the professional ad makers take on the distributed, collective intelligence of the internet, the ad guys risk losing. Here’s what I mean: McCain’s video folks are clearly very...
So, yesterday I did my first live TV appearance, on Sky News (big in the UK and Commonwealth, apparently). By now I’ve done several radio appearances and plenty of web video, but never live TV, and I was nervous as a cat at the prospect. One...
In the spirit of even-handedness, let’s follow our recent “help” for John McCain with some unsolicited advice for Barack Obama. In Obama’s case, we’ll need to get more subtle — he and his people have the mechanics...
Hey John, how’s things? Crazy year, eh? Sorry about last week — you must have been dying inside as the press fawned all over that pipsqueak Barack Obama on his overseas jaunt. Reporters are YOUR base, after all, and what’s worse is...
If you haven’t checked out the comments on Monday’s New Yorker Obama cover article, you’re missing out — we’ve been having a hell of a back-and-forth, with several folks disagreeing vehemently with my defense of that...
This little vignette from Mike Allen’s Politico Playbook today (I can’t find it in the Ben Smith article he cites) — Matt Drudge attended Hillary Clinton’s Saturday campaign-closing event at the National Building Museum...
E.politics world headquarters has taken up residence in its hometown of Palestine, Texas for the past week or two, and today got a real treat: playing with baby armadillos. Well, adolescents probably, since they’re big enough to come out of...
Newsweek’s current story on the Obama campaign’s internal dynamics contains this warning (via Mike Allen) for anyone who values civility and honesty in politics: Another McCain adviser, who asked for anonymity discussing internal...