If you haven’t seen the video of the “highlights” of Rick Perry’s speech at the Cornerstone Action Awards Dinner in New Hampshire last Friday, check it out below — this copy alone has already been viewed over 800,000...
New guest author! Jon Wheeler is an old friend who’s recently relocated below the equator and sends this update on how online tools are playing out in a very different political environment than we’re used to in the States. The Internet...
Update: For contrast, c.f. today’s actual GOOD online idea, WhichMitt.com. The internet is a really good place to spread ideas. Unfortunately, some of those ideas are really, really bad. Today’s examples of the latter: The Politico...
Congrats to SalsaLabs and EngageDC! Both were featured in top social media site Mashable.com last night, in an article called 2012 Election: 3 Digital Platforms Poised to Change the Conversation, by Maegan Carberry. It’s always fascinating to...
Killed alongside Al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Aulaqi in Yemen by an American missile last week: Samir Khan, Aulaqui’s chief online communicator: Jarret Brachman, a counterterrorism expert and government consultant who analyzed Khan’s...
Update: See Kevin Bondelli’s reponse, #ColinDelanyIsRight About Hashtags. And, note that the original article turned ME into a hashtag. For an example of how the online communications ground is constantly changing under candidates’ feet...
Also published on HuffingtonPost Drew Westen’s recent critique of Barack Obama’s presidency and Jonathan Chait’s devastating rebuttal raise a question for me: what matters more in politics, messaging or mechanics? In Westen’s...
“The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it.”Paul-Muad’dib to the Guild navigators, Dune, by Frank Herbert (1965) Variations on that line have been going through my head ever since the debt-ceiling debate cranked...
One of the more maddening stories (for a Democrat) that I read today? Coverage in US News’s Washington Whispers blog of an analysis from OhMyGov of Tweets submitted during yesterday’s Obama “Twitter Town Hall.” Maddening why...
Emo The Laffer Curve “Reality” TV Droopy drawers (hip hop variety) Hack-spewed talking points on cable “news” Endlessly looping viagra/light beer/car insurance commercials Throat-singing (metal variety) McMansions Newt...