A great observation from Jason Lefkowitz at Sunday’s Organizing 2.0 conference in NYC — while we may all want to be magic and unique individuals on our own, and every nonprofit is special to its mother, following that logic when it comes...
New Online Politics 101 chapter Twitter is the newest significant weapon in the online politics arsenal: while it was a very limited arena as recently as the 2008 elections (Barack Obama had all of 50,000 followers by Election Day!), it’s...
Here’s one of the more interesting applications that’s come across the e.politics desktop this week — a company called AktNow.com is promoting technology that allows people to donate their Facebook status and Twitter feed to a...
According to a recent piece on PBS’s MediaShift blog, the answer is simplicity and the ability to inspire action. I agree — which is good, because I’m quoted extensively in the article, along with Joe Rospars (a guy who REALLY...
Advocacy groups, beware: Facebook may not be as welcoming a venue for online activism as you expect: As the number of Facebook members signed up for the “Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics” page neared 78,000 in...
It’s an old idea on Epolitics.com, but a good one still — email and social networks work well together, no matter how many people try to predict (for instance) that Facebook dooms email to irrelevance. Two good examples popped up today...
Another guest article, our second this week! This one comes from my NMS colleague Matt DeLuca, and it originally ran on the NMS blog. Matt’s been a great source of Quick Hits ideas lately, but this is his first actual guest piece on Epolitics...
Open source, meet politics — the techies over at the Democratic National Committee have launched a new site devoted to sharing the results of their work. Nancy Scola has the details over at tPrez, and you can check out Open.Dems for yourself...
New guest author! A fresh voice around here, at least. But Shana Glickfield‘s hardly new to the internet politics space, since she’s an experienced online communicator, one of the founding partners of The Beekeeper Group (“a new...
Integrate or die: words seen on Epolitics.com before and for good reason, since standalone online campaigns rarely work as well as ones combined with concrete action in the physical world. For a good example of how the virtual can combine with the...