Howdy folks, my first section for Campaigns & Elections magazine is out! The print version is in the mail and the online version is live. Check it out, in two parts: Online, 2012 Won’t Be 2008 Technology Bytes: Perry’s social...
Everybody step back: the programmers are entering the building. Without the need for formal leadership, folks are self-organizing hackathons to help build digital tools for the Occupy Wall Street movement this weekend. So far, events are planned in...
Congrats to SalsaLabs and EngageDC! Both were featured in top social media site last night, in an article called 2012 Election: 3 Digital Platforms Poised to Change the Conversation, by Maegan Carberry. It’s always fascinating to...
The latest from regular contributor Beth Becker (@spedwybabs). Overview: Social Media and 2012 Political Campaigns By Beth Becker We’re deep into the 2011 cycle and campaigns all across the country are starting to gear up for 2012. Many of...
Killed alongside Al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Aulaqi in Yemen by an American missile last week: Samir Khan, Aulaqui’s chief online communicator: Jarret Brachman, a counterterrorism expert and government consultant who analyzed Khan’s...
Rick Perry may have tried to upstage her with his campaign launch, but Michelle Bachmann did win this year’s Ames Straw Poll, usually an early indicator of a candidate’s strength in first-to-caucus Iowa. An article in yesterday’s...
Update: Apparently, this feature has been in the VAN since it started…which is even better. Political data nerds LOVE to use tools like the VAN backend voter management system to slice and dice outreach lists by all kinds of criteria —...
Toward the end of a Dave Weigel piece in Slate on Michele Bachmann’s current campaign speech (you’ll be shocked to hear that she says she was right to vote against a debt ceiling-increase), we get a quick look at one way tablet computers...
New guest post! This one comes in from Ben Donahower and covers a topic we haven’t addressed here before: how campaigns can use QR codes, those cellphone-friendly rectangular descendents of barcodes that have been appearing lately on signs and...
Digital maven and veteran activist Ivan Boothe has sent over an invitation to what promises to be an excellent examination of the implications of Google+ for political advocacy, along with a comprehensive list of related articles (including the...