New Version! Available now on and as a PDF This article is from an earlier ebook and is now out of date! Please check out the NEW ebook, “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014.” Using the internet for politics may seem...
New Version! Available now on and as a PDF This article is from an earlier ebook and is now out of date! Please check out the NEW ebook, “How to Use the Internet to Win in 2014.” “Amateurs talk strategy, professionals...
For another of the occasional glimpses we get of the Obama campaign’s comprehensive effort to re-energize his 2008 online supporters, check out this article from The Times, which came out right before I ran off to Austin for SXSW: With a...
Our good friend (and recent Pinterest enthusiast) Beth Becker reports in with this tidbit from the trail: campaigns are turning to “protected” Twitter feeds to organize volunteers. Since the account owner of a protected feed has to...
Guest article! Below is the latest from Kayle Hatt, a Canadian political organizer who works with candidates on field organizing and communication and who earlier wrote about candidates and social media and about social media in that far distant...
Howdy folks, sorry for the brief publishing hiatus, but things been a little crazy down in the e.politics bunker. One bit of fun: today’s Pennsylvania Progressive Summit panel, “Smart Digital Strategies for the Real World,” where...
Wikipedia and a slew of other sites may have shut down today to protest SOPA, but that’s not the only big story in the online advocacy space this week: yesterday Blackbaud announced that the company would be buying Convio, a leading provider...
As part of last weekend’s Netroots NY, I got to run a couple of trainings with Abigail Collazo, one on Twitter and the other on internet fundraising. For each training, I put together takeaway tip sheets; the one for the Twitter 101 is below...
Also published on HuffingtonPost This week’s news that Obama’s 2012 campaign has already assembled a powerful army of small online donors — more than a million people have given him money so far, only half of whom did so in 2008...
Or at least, he will be soon. Yes, just a couple of hours after we here at made fun of his overpriced website/CRM system again, it turns out that Newt Gingrich is soon to launch “‘Newt Hampshire!‘, a social media...