Cross-posted on techPresident Way on back in 2007, we used to talk about how the internet fit into a presidential debate, that hallowed (and effective) tradition of the televison era. We even had two YouTube debates — remember them? Talking...
This piece was written early in July for inclusion in the E-Voter Institute’s 7th Annual Survey of Political and Advocacy Communications Leaders and 3rd Annual Survey of Voter Expectations. Incorporated into Harnessing the Power of Social...
Here’s an interesting approach to contacting voters by email, via Charles Lenchner of DemocracyInAction, who thought of it while doing volunteer work for a city council candidate in NYC. Several companies will take a database of voter names...
Okay, I’ll admit it — I’ve opened a lot of constituent mail in my time. My time in the Texas Legislature, that is: in 1991, as a wet-behind-the-ears 22-year-old (emotional age: closing in on 16), I started work for The Honorable...
Cross-posted on techPresident Here’s a clever idea — install a web browser toolbar sponsored by the Republican National Committee and you can raise money for the RNC “through normal online activities such as searching and shopping...
Check out this smart little critter from Rock The Vote and Credo Mobile — it’s a customizable voter registration widget. When people click on the image below (which you can change to something matches your site), a DHTML window pops up...
Cross-posted on techPresident First fruits of Netroots Nation — this morning, Chris Hughes and friend-of-e.politics (and new Obama campaign employee) Judith Freeman led an overview of how the nominee-to-be’s campaign has used social...
Hey kids, it may look like we’ve been on vacation the past few days, but in reality it’s been non-stop action down here in the e.politics bunker. A client site is due tomorrow, and the process of getting that sucker built and running has...
Several conversations over the past few days have kept coming back to the same point: in the online world, things that seem cheap often aren’t, and things that seem expensive may actually be the cheaper alternative. For instance, Eric Rardin...
Below are resources for a little presention I like to call,
Cheap, Quick and (Sometimes) Dirty: Creating Integrated Online Campaigns Using Off-The-Shelf Parts
(Delivered at the DemocracyInAction Conference on June 26, 2008)