Welcome to DC, Tea Partiers in town for the Glenn Beckathon in the Mall Saturday! DCist prepared the map below to show you where you’ll feel “comfortable” in the area, based on a handy online guide from a Maine TP group. Stick to...
Never hurts to plan ahead!
Thanks to Libby Jacobson for posting this site on Facebook…my life will never be the same again, and neither will yours if you click on the painting.
– cpd
Parts of the online communications community have been abuzz the last couple of days over reports that Ben & Jerry’s ice crean is dropping its email marketing program in favor of Facebook and Twitter. Turns out, the change only affects...
The new Old Spice guy weighs in on a political question — how Obama can build his support among the Ladies, er, the female voters of America. Monocle smile! Via Facebook’s own Adam Conner. Update: Mashable has great numbers on this video...
Here we go again — yet another pronouncement of the death of email, this time by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (see video below). Allyson Kapin has an excellent response on Frogloop, and I’ll just note that way back in 2006 one of the...
My friend and long-ago college roommate Brad Terrell passed this mind-blowing piece of political video/advertising along the other day: Sheer genius! A gun, a horse, a hat and a Real Man for Alabama…one of the Finest pieces of video ever...
We don’t know the actual truth, since the Other Half of the equation is denying all knowledge, but South Carolina blogger Will Folks is claiming that he had an “inappropriate physical relationship” with Republican gubernatorial...
Also published on The Huffington Post and techPresident The fruits of Eric Cantor’s new “YouCut” project made it to the House floor last week, with results entirely predictable: nothing passed, and it did so amid great partisan...
Corporate communicators in your mighty legions, The Onion has your number: New Social Networking Site Changing The Way Oh, Christ, Forget It Let Someone Else Report On This Bullshit NEW YORK — While millions of young, tech-savvy professionals...
Hot on the heels of the VAN’s decision to offer website hosting and CRM services, the Democratic voter turnout operation has decided to move even farther from its core competence: Voter Activation Network to Launch New Technology For...