Yep, he wants me to know so much that he finally broke down my resistance and forced me to give him my cell number. Dammit! I hate falling for an obvious list-building ploy. Yes, the idea of alerting supporters at the same time as the media fits the...
Several conversations over the past few days have kept coming back to the same point: in the online world, things that seem cheap often aren’t, and things that seem expensive may actually be the cheaper alternative. For instance, Eric Rardin...
Schwarzenegger’s texting updates from the California GOP convention, and a new campaign is planning to register young Latino voters from their cell phones. Here’s more about the technology Voto Latino’s using, which is open to...
The Post continues to do my job for me! Jeffrey Birnbaum has a K Street Condidential piece today on the mechanics of using online ads to build a grassroots activist list. He ventures into the cubes at Democracy Data & Communications to watch as...