In private meetings last week, Hillary Clinton pledged in New Hampshire to work with state parties in “early states” to help them rebuild. At first appearance, this would seem to be an amazing boon. The trope goes that Obama for America...
Michelle Coyle Edwards is Vice President of Rising Tide Interactive (RTI). Read her previous work on When Hillary Clinton made her much–anticipated announcement that she’d be running for president, the inevitability of the act led...
Yesterday’s hacking of a U.S. military Twitter feed and YouTube page may not be militarily significant in any material way, but it IS a classic act of war…of the psychological variety. The hackers (presumably associated with the...
Earlier this week, we got to read Chris Casey’s look back at launching the first congressional website for Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1994. But what did this slice of the political web look like 20 years ago? Thanks to Chris’s collection of...
Guest article! Chris Casey writes on the 20th Anniversary of the first Congressional website, which he helped bring to life. This article first appeared on June 2, 2014 on UPDATE: check out screenshots from this and other early 90s Ted...
Molly Knight Raskin has a completely unexpected 9/11 story in Slate today, about the man who was quite likely the first victim of that morning (a former member of an Israeli counter-terrorism team who happened to be on board the flight that would...
Time to mark a technological changing of the guard: Indians have sent their last telegrams. After today, a medium that knitted the subcontinent together in the days before broadband and mobile phones will be no more: On July 14, the last for the...
Sunday night I transferred my Google Reader information to Feedly — with only hours to go, the long list of digital-communications-related sites I’d signed up to follow was safe. But it was clear that the same couldn’t be said of...
You can attribute Silicon Valley’s success to any number of key factors: good universities, the availability of capital and a wealth of entrepreneurial experience are just a start. But without a talented pool of tech workers ready to jump to...
At one of this year’s many data-focused Netroots Nation panels, former Obama data guru Ethan Roeder noted something about the effective use of voter-targeting technologies: that’s it’s less about the data itself, and more about...