This article originally appeared on Smart As A Fox on March 7, 2011. See also Sandi’s previous pieces on A Politician’s Role in the Twitterverse here, here and here, as well as a few more thoughts about PopVox. POPVOX: The Newest...
Be inspired! And learn how social media tools helped people to overcome psychological barriers to acting against the government, to report human rights violations, to counter official messages, to collaborate and ultimately to overthrow an...
Howdy y’all, Tuesday’s Digital Politics Radio discussion on the internet and social media’s role in Egypt and Tunisia is now online; check it out below (my interview is segments 3 and 4). For more on the topic, check out the list...
Update: New stories added 3/8/2011 As mentioned earlier, I’ll be on Digital Politics Radio at 3:30 Eastern this afternoon to discuss the role of the internet and social media in the North African revolutions. In addition to Epolitics...
Also published on The Huffington Post For more on social media and the Arab Spring, see the book “Distant Witness,” by Andy Carvin. Did Twitter and Facebook “cause” the Tunisian Revolution and the protests in Egypt? Not...
So the new Census numbers are out, and the Rs look to benefit mightily. One of the most revealing takes was Dave Weigel’s breakdown of the states destined to gain Congressional seats vs. the party in control of the redistricting process...
Whew! The day has finally come, and I’m so durn nervous about the results that I’ve barely been able to write. I’ve long been more sanguine than most, which is likely to prove to have been wishful thinking, but what the hell...
Also published on The Huffington Post and techPresident In Saturday’s AMP Summit panel discussion on effective online campaigning, fellow online politics old-timer Chris Casey made a great observation: politics may still be local, but...
Here’s one of the more interesting applications that’s come across the e.politics desktop this week — a company called is promoting technology that allows people to donate their Facebook status and Twitter feed to a...
Also published on The Huffington Post Check out Kate Zernike’s piece in the Times today for a glimpse of how the Republican establishment is “shaping tea party passion into [a] campaign force” — or at least, how they’re...