Also published on HuffingtonPost With police crackdowns increasing and their physical encampments too-often attracting outright criminals looking for trouble, should Occupy Wall Street consider switching to a largely online existence? In mid...
Here’s a little something to check out: a few days back, the Obama campaign published a very clever infographic that lays out information they’d like you to know about the 1,000,000 people who’ve donated to the President’s...
Fascinating article over at Google’s Politics & Elections blog: their analytics team looked at search trends for Occupy Wall Street and compared them with those for the Tea Party, and the results are most interesting. Search interest in...
Screenshot of post-occupation, transformed by Occupy Wall Street and its spin-offs haven’t just taken over public squares across the world, they’re also getting really creative online. Here are a couple of...
Everybody step back: the programmers are entering the building. Without the need for formal leadership, folks are self-organizing hackathons to help build digital tools for the Occupy Wall Street movement this weekend. So far, events are planned in...
Also published on HuffingtonPost Nate Silver had a great piece in the Times over the weekend, looking at how clashes with police seem to have driven mainstream media coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests (a classic example of the principle of...
If you’re into reading legislation yourself (zzzzzzz), the House Rules committee has now published the text of the proposed budget deal in both PDF and XML formats — apparently, the committee staff stayed up late to take care of the...
Last night’s dueling Obama/Boehner speeches settled at least one matter: when the President asks people to contact Congress, Congress can’t handle it: Monday night and Tuesday morning checks of the websites of House Speaker John Boehner...
Hi folks, be sure to check out Kate Kaye’s ClickZ article on internet politics in the Wisconsin recall elections. First, because it’s a good piece with plenty of detail on what DFA and the PCCC did to mobilize their online supporters...
If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out Sandi Fox’s article on the new advocacy platform PopVox, published on yesterday. I’m fascinated by this new tool, which I think has some crucial advantages over related ideas...